Globally, the world is far behind on achieving the gender equality and climate action sustainable development goals. Action on both must accelerate fast this decade.
The goals work in synergy. Pursuing them intentionally in tandem will achieve more than a narrow focus on either gender equality or climate change alone. They also cut across many sectors and dimensions of sustainable development, offering the chance to achieve other goals.
The Gender Equality in a Low Carbon World (GLOW) programme is an action research programme, 2021-24, which investigates opportunities for women’s economic empowerment in just transitions. GLOW has 12 projects in 17 countries across Latin America, Africa and the Middle East, and South and Southeast Asia. The projects focus principally on agriculture and agroforestry, biocircular economies, eco-tourism and the blue economy. This report shares key findings and recommendations.
Find out how gender equality and climate action are so closely linked and how to advance them – for everyone’s benefit.

Executive summary
GLOW's practical recommendations can inform national strategies and plans for just transitions. They are also relevant for impact investors and international fora such as the UNFCCC's Just Transitions Work Programme.
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Acting on climate change is more urgent than ever: to mitigate and adapt to its impacts. Gender and social inclusion shape people's risk and resilience.
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Global just transitions are possible
Just transitions are about understanding and addressing the socioeconomic impacts of transitioning to a net zero, climate-resilient future. This chapter unpacks key issues for natural resource-dependent sectors.
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National just transitions are possible
The GLOW programme has researched and tested gender equitable, just transition measures in 17 countries across the Global South. Find out where we work.
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Cross-cutting insights: why women’s economic empowerment and climate action go hand in hand
Women's contributions as leaders and as workers make a material difference to the effectiveness of low-carbon, climate-resilient initiatives. Here's how.
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Common strategies for realising women’s economic empowerment in just transitions
GLOW action research has pinpointed key elements of effective action, across its study sites. These findings are highly relevant in other Global South contexts.
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Conclusions and recommendations
Visit our key conclusions for implementing just transitions, and read our recommendations for further research.
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